About University of Calcutta

Curriculum & Credit Framework (UG)

25-2-25 "Model Questions" of semester- 3 (Paper: CHEM-H-SEC3-3-Th) of 4-Year Honours and Honours with Research, Courses of Studies in Chemistry, under CCF
17-2-25 The Question pattern of different Modules for Major; Minor and SEC of Semester-3 & 4 of Mathematics (4-year Honours and Honours with Research/ 3- year MDC) under CCF
17-2-25 Name of the Paper for semester-3 of Household Art (Minor) under CCF
11-2-25 Some amendments regarding IDC papers taught at 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd semester of Bio-Chemistry (4-year Honours and Honours with Research/ 3- year MDC) as previously published under CSR/78/2024, dt. 20.09.2024 Courses of Studies under CCF
11-2-25 Examination Modalities / Question Pattern for semester- 3 of Physics (4-year Honours and Honours with Research/ 3- year MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF
4-2-25 The new revised Syllabus and Marks Distribution / Question Pattern for DSCC-4 and SEC-3 of French Syllabus (4-year Honours and Honours with Research) Courses of Studies in French, after incorporating some amendments in the previous notification (CSR/44/2024, dt. 22.07.2024) under CCF.)
4-2-25 Some amendments in the Admission and Examination Regulations (CSR/10/2023, Dt. 10.07.2023) of B.F.A.D. (4-year Honours and Honours with Research) Courses of Studies under CCF
15-1-25 CSR/04/2025, dt.10.01.2025: Amendment in Admission & Examination Regulations of B.F.A
13-1-25 The Examination Modalities for Conducting examination of SEC-3, taught in Sem-3 of Journalism & Mass Communication (4- year Honours & Honours with Research Courses of Studies) under CCF
11-1-25 The Project of SEC-3 (Semester-3) included in the U.G. syllabus of English (4- year Honours & Honours with Research under CCF, as published under CSR/54/2024 dt. 14.08.2024), shall be considered as Tutorial Project
11-1-25 Amendment in the syllabus (CSR/42/2024, dt. 19.07.2024) of Philosophy (3-year MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF
31-12-24 The formula of converting CGPA to percentage for U.G. Courses of Studies under CCF
20-12-24 The revised Course Structure of "Islamic History & Culture (IHC)" (4-year Honours & 3-year MDC) and syllabus of Semester- 3 & 4 of Islamic History & Culture (4- year Honours) and complete syllabus (Semester- 1 to 6) of Islamic History & Culture (3- year MDC) under CCF
19-12-24 The new revised syllabus of Human Rights (4- year Honours & Honours with Research, 3-year MDC and Minor) under CCF
19-12-24 The Course Structure (Semester- 3 & 4) of Minor Courses for Four-year Honours & Honours with Research of Human Development under CCF
11-12-24 Revised course Structure for all the six semesters and detail syllabus for semester 4, 5 & 6 of 3-year MDC Mathematics under CCF
11-12-24 Some amendments pertaining to History syllabus (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC CSR/13/23, dt. 12.07.2023) Courses of Studies, under CCF
10-12-24 Structure of Minor Courses for Three-year MDC of Human Development under CCF
10-12-24 New revised Course Structure of Sociology (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) Courses of Studies, under CCF
3-12-24 CSR/134/2024 : Syllabus for semester-3 & 4 of BFA under CCF
29-11-24 Corrigendum / Addendums in Question pattern syllabus and Examination Modalities of Commerce (4-year & 3-year) Courses of Studies, under CCF
15-11-24 Some amendments in the Modalities of Compulsory Summer Internship (as published under CSR/48/2023, dt. 29.12.2023, CUS/145/24, dt. 18.06.2024 & CUS/155/24, dt. 02.07.2024) of 4-year and 3-year UG Courses of Studies, under CCF
15-11-24 The new revised syllabus of Geology (4-year Honours and Honours with Research and 3-year MDC and Minor) after incorporating some amendments in the CSR/13/2023, dt. 29.07.2024, under CCF
13-11-24 The new revised syllabus of Physiology (Semester- 1, 3 & 4) (4-year Honours and Honours with Research and 3-year MDC and Minor) Courses of Studies, under CCF
13-11-24 The new revised course structure and syllabus for Semester- 3 of Anthropology (4-year Honours and Honours with Research and 3-year MDC and Minor) Courses of Studies, under CCF
11-11-24 The syllabus of Computer Application (Core Vocational) (semester 1 to 4) under CCF
11-11-24 The new revised complete syllabus of Urdu (4-year Honours and Honours with Research and 3-year MDC and Minor) Courses of Studies under CCF
11-11-24 The new revised syllabus of Psychology (4-year Honours and Honours with Research and 3-year MDC and Minor) Courses of Studies under CCF
5-10-24 The syllabus of Tourism & Travel Management Semester- 3 & 4 (Core Vocational), under CCF
5-10-24 The syllabus of Film Studies Semester- 1 to 4 (3- year MDC & Minor), under CCF
5-10-24 The syllabus of Electronics for Semester- 1 to 6 (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3- year MDC & Minor), under CCF
2-10-24 The complete syllabus of Arabic (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and Three- year MDC & Minor), under CCF
1-10-24 The amended Course Structure for 3-year MDC syllabus of Zoology, under CCF
1-10-24 The amended Course Structure, Syllabus with modalities of the Minor papers in the syllabus (CSR/67/2024, dt. 04.09.2024) of 4-year Honours & Honours with Research in Sanskrit, under CCF
27-9-24 Amendments of Sociology syllabus, pertaining to CSR/47/2024, dt. 29.07.2024 (3- year MDC) under CCF
27-9-24 The syllabus of Physiology (Semester- 3 & 4)(4-year Honours & Honours with Research and Three- year MDC & Minor), under CCF.
27-9-24 The new revised syllabus (Semester- 1 to 4) of Computer Science (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and Three- year MDC & Minor) under CCF
26-9-24 Amendments of Education syllabus, pertaining to CSR/63/2024, dt. 30.08.2024 (4-year Honours & Honours with Research & 3- year MDC) under CCF
26-9-24 The syllabus of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics (Core- Vocational) syllabus of semester- 1 to 4 under CCF
26-9-24 The syllabus of Food & Nutrition semester- 1 to 6 syllabus for 4- year Honours & Honours with Research and complete syllabus for 3- year MDC courses of studies under CCF
25-9-24 Amendments of Political Science syllabus under CCF, pertaning to CSR/13/2023, dt. 12.07.2023 and CSR/15/2024, dt. 15.03.2024
21-9-24 Amended syllabus of Bio-Chemistry (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) & new question pattern for semester-3 of 4-year (Honours & Honours with Research) courses of studies and Semester- 3, 4 of 3- year MDC under CCF
21-9-24 The syllabus of Sericulture (SRTV)- Core- Vocational, under CCF
20-9-24 The new revised syllabus (Semester- 1 to 4) of Library and Information Studies (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and Three- year MDC & Minor) under CCF
20-9-24 The new revised syllabus (Semester- 1 to 4) including Question Pattern of Statistics (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and Three- year MDC & Minor) under CCF
19-9-24 The new revised syllabus (Semester- 1 to 6) of Zoology (4-year Honours and Honours with Research and Three- year MDC & Minor) under CCF
19-9-24 The syllabus of Industrial Fish & Fisheries (IIFV)- Core - Vocational under CCF
19-9-24 The complete syllabus of Molecular Biology (Three-year MDC & Minor) under CCF
13-9-24 Amendments in the Notification No. CSR/17/24, dt. 08.04.24 (Chemistry Syllabus), under, CCF
12-9-24 Amendments in the Notification No CSR/09/2023, dt. 10.07.2023 (Admission Regulations of B.B.A., under, CCF)
12-9-24 The new revised course structure and syllabus (semester 1 to 4) for B.B.A. (4- year Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies, under CCF
4-9-24 The complete syllabus of Women's Studies (Minor/Three-year MDC) courses of studies under CCF
4-9-24 New revised syllabus of semester - 1 & 2 Sanskrit (4-year Honours & Honours with Research/3-year MDC) and syllabus for semester-3 to 8 of Sanskrit (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) and syllabus for semester- 3 to 6 of Sanskrit (3-year MDC) courses of studies under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 The syllabus for semester-3 to 6 of B.Mus. (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) courses of studies under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 The complete syllabus for semester-4 to 8 of "Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Management" (Core Vocational), under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 The complete syllabus of Education (4-year Honours & Honours with Research & 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 The complete syllabus of Journalism & Mass Communication (4-year Honours & Honours with Research & 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 The complete syllabus (semester-1 to 6) of Economics (4-year Honours & Honours with Research & 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 The complete syllabus (semester-1 to 6) of Music (B.A./ B.Sc. (Minor) & 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
3-9-24 Syllabi for semester-3 & 4 of B.B.A. (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) courses of studies under CCF
2-9-24 Syllabus for SEC paper, Revised Course Structure MDC for core courses & new amended Examination modalities / Question pattern of Human Development under CCF, 2022
2-9-24 Corrigendum regarding Modalities for AEC examination pertaining to CSR/49/2023 dt. 19.12.2023 and CSR/54/2024 dt 14.08.2024 and CUS/227(Cir.)/24 dt. 30.8.2024
15-8-24 Some amendments in the paper code of semesters VI, VII, VIII of Microbiology (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
15-8-24 Syllabus for SEC paper (3 Th+1 P) of Social Science & Question pattern for IDC, SEC and Minor paper of Social Science, under CCF
14-8-24 Modalities/Question pattern for Semester - 2 of Home Science Extension Education (Minor) courses of studies under CCF
14-8-24 The syllabus of English (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) and amendments in the credit & marks distribution of SEC-1 paper of English (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) and SEC of English (3-year MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF 2022
12-8-24 SEC paper for Semester-2 of Physiology (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) courses of studies under CCF, 2022
1-8-24 Examination Modalities / Question pattern for Semester-2 of B.Music (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) and B.A./ B.Sc. (Minor) Music courses of studies under CCF, 2022
1-8-24 Syllabus for semester-3 to 6 of Physics (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) courses of studies under CCF, 2022
1-8-24 Syllabus for semester- 3,4,5 of Mathematics (4-year Honours & Honours with Research) and amendments in the syllabus of Mathematics (3-year MDC) courses of studies under CCF
1-8-24 IDC-1: Animal Biology" as mentioned in the syllabus of Zoology
29-7-24 SEC for Semester-2 of Geology (4-year Honours & Honours with Research, CSR/13/2023, dt. 12.7.2023) shall be "Artificial Intelligence(AI)" under CCF, 2022
29-7-24 The new revised complete syllabus of Sociology (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) courses of studies under CCF, 2022
29-7-24 The syllabus for IDC (Social Science & Development: An introduction) of Social Science under CCF, 2022
23-7-24 The new revised amended syllabus of French for both 4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC Courses of Studies in French under CCF, 2022
22-7-24 The syllabus for semester-3 to semester-6 of Philosophy (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
19-7-24 The syllabi for semester-3 & 4 of Botany for both 4-year (Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
19-7-24 Guidelines and Modalities for SEC-2 of Sanskrit for both 4-year (Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
15-7-24 The syllabi for semester-3 to semester-6 for four-year B.Com. (Four-year Honours & Honours with Research) and 3-year B.Com. courses of studies under CCF, 2022
15-7-24 Notification No. CSR/38/2024
12-7-24 NOTICE : Corrigendum pertaining to CSR/37/2024, dt. 04.07.2024, B.B.A. Examination Regulation
11-7-24 The Syllabus of IDC for semester-2 for all the streams, "Hindustani classical Music", "Rabindra Sangeet" and "Bengali Songs" of 4-year B.Mus. (Honours & Honours with Research), courses of studies under CCF, 2022
5-7-24 Amendments & addendums pertaining to the BBA Examination Regulations under CCF, 2022
3-7-24 Notice regarding Summer Internship programme under CCF, 2022
27-6-24 Syllabus and guideline for Tutorial part, Film Studies (Three-year MDC), Semester-2 under CCF 2022
24-6-24 New amended Examination modalities / Question Pattern of "Digital Empowerment" and "Artificial Intelligence" under CCF, 2022
19-6-24 NOTICE: Corrigendum of CSR/29/2024, dt. 04.06.2024
14-6-24 The partial amendments regarding SEC paper of Semester-2 syllabus of Psychology (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies, under CCF, 2022
6-6-24 Summer Internship Scheme for U.G. Courses of Studies
30-5-24 "Academic Writing" shall be offered as the ENG-SEC-2-2-TH+TU paper replacing "Digital Empowerment" include the syllabus of semester -2 for English (Honours and Honours with Research) Course of Studies under CCF, 2022
30-5-24 Examination Modalities / Question Pattern of "Digital Empowerment" and "Artificial Intelligence" taught as SEC Paper offered by the University at semester-2 of 4-year U.G. Courses of Studies under CCF-2022
30-5-24 Some amendments for Admission Regulations for Four-year B.Com. Honours or Honours with Research Courses of Studies and Three-year B. Com. Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
29-5-24 "Paryavaran Our Hindi Sahitya" as SEC-2 paper of Semester - 2 of Hindi (Honours and Honours with Research) Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
16-5-24 CUS/111(Cir.)/24, dt. 14th May, 2024 --- Corrigendum of Modalities for Summer Internship
15-5-24 Some amendment in the existing syllabus of Indian Knowledge System and its Application (optional CVAC)
6-5-24 The revised syllabus of Urdu including Examination Modalities/Question Pattern for 4-year Honours and Honours with Research and 3-year MDC Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
19-4-24 Amendments & addendums pertaining to the BBA syllabus for 4-year Honours & Honours with Research Courses of Studies in BBA under CCF, 2022
16-4-24 The Examination Modalities/Question Pattern of Sericulture (4-year Honours with a core Vocational subject) under CCF, 2022
16-4-24 The Examination Modalities/Question Pattern of the Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics for 4-year B.Sc. (Honours with a core Vocational subject) & Home Science Extension Education (3-year MDC/Minor Courses) under CCF, 2022
8-4-24 Examination Modalities / Question pattern and syllabus for semester wise 4-year Chemistry (Honours & Honours with Research) and 3-year Chemistry (MDC) Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
18-3-24 Notification for 3-year MDC course student, who opt. Computer Science as Core/Minor subject
18-3-24 Circular regarding the permission to offer "Library & Information Studies" as an IDC subject only, (under CCF,2022 Regulations)
15-3-24 Syllabus of Political Science (Four-year Honours & Honours with Research/3-year MDC) for semester 3 & 4, under CCF, 2022
13-3-24 Examination Modalities & Question Pattern for Islamic History (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
13-3-24 Amendment in Examination Modalities of Microbiology (amendment in CSR/49/2023, dt. 19.12.2023) under CCF, 2022
13-3-24 Amended syllabus of Hindi (4-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
13-3-24 Amended syllabus of Human Development (3-year MDC) under CCF, 2022
12-3-24 The Examination Modalities/Question Pattern & Marks distribution of Computer Application & Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management under CCF, 2022
12-3-24 New revise syllabus of B. Mus. (four-year Honours & Honours with Research): IDC & SEC and three-year B.A./ B.Sc. (Minor) in Music: IDC & SEC
11-3-24 The Examination Regulations of semester wise B.MUS. (Four-year Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
11-3-24 The new revised amended syllabus including Examination Modalities for IDC paper of French (Four-year Honours & Honours with Research and 3-year MDC) courses of studies, under CCF, 2022
11-3-24 The Examination Modalities / Question Pattern for semester wise (Four-year Honours with core vocational subject) Courses of Studies in "Industrial Fish & Fisheries" under CCF, 2022
27-2-24 Amendments of Examination Regulations of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Four-year (Honours & Honours with Research, Honours with a core Vocational subject) & Three-year MDC courses of studies under CCF, 2022
2-2-24 Admission & Examination Regulations for B.F.A.
25-1-24 Amendments of Zoology of Semester wise UG Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
25-1-24 Examination Modalities/Question Pattern & Marks distribution for Electronics, Political Science, Library and Information Studies & Urdu Semester wise UG Courses of Studies under CCF, 2022
22-1-24 The complete syllabus for Semester wise Four-year English (Honours & Honours with Research) and 3-year English (MDC) Courses of studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
4-1-24 Exam modalities/Question pattern & Marks Distribution of Life Skill Education (CVAC), Education and Geology
4-1-24 Examination Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B.B.A. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies, under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022
29-12-23 Exam modalities/Question pattern & Marks Distribution of Food & Nutrition, Defence Studies and Zoology (CSR/51/2023)
29-12-23 Exam Modalities/Question pattern & Marks Distribution of Persian and Computer Science (CSR/50/2023)
29-12-23 Modalities of Summer Internship (CSR/48/2023)
29-12-23 Corrigendum for Examination Regulations of Four-year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Honours with a Core Vocational subject) Courses of Studies (CSR/44/2023)
26-12-23 Examination Modalities/Question Pattern & Marks Distribution (CSR/49/2023)
18-12-23 The Examination Regulations for semester wise four-year B.Com. (Honours & Honours with Research) & Three-year B.Com. courses of studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
18-12-23 The Examination Regulations for semester wise four-year B.A./ B.Sc. (Honours & Honours with Research) courses of studies, (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
18-12-23 The Examination Regulations for semester wise four-year B.A./ B.Sc./B.Com. (Honours with a Core Vocational Subject) courses of studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
18-12-23 The Examination Regulations for semester wise three-year B.A./B.Sc. Multidisciplinary courses of studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
17-10-23 Syllabi of the Six (06) CVAC Courses, to be studied in Semester - 2 for Semester wise four-year (Honours & Honours with Research) / three-year (Multidisciplinary) programme of U.G. courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
21-9-23 IDC paper in the syllabus of Food & Nutrition (CSR/20/23, dt. 28.07.2023), is replaced by "Basic Nutrition and Food Science" as the new IDC paper for both the Four-year Honours & Honours with Research and Three-year MDC courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
20-9-23 Syllabus of Sericulture for B.Sc. (Honours with a Core Vocational subject) courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
12-9-23 Syllabus for Fine Art for Four-year B.F.A. (Honours & Honours with Research) courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
9-9-23 Syllabus for Artificial Intelligence (A1) for Science discipline & Digital Empowerment (for Humanities and Language discipline & B. Mus.) courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
4-9-23 The new revised syllabus for Bengali (Honours & Honours with Research and Three-year Multidisciplinary) courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
1-9-23 Question Pattern and Marks Distribution for Four-year Honours and Three-year MDC programme of U. G. Courses of Studies in Political Science Syllabus under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
1-9-23 The IDC paper in the Syllabus of Botany (CSR/13/23 dt. 12.07.2023) are replaced by "Plants around us" as the new IDC paper for both the Four-year Honours and Three-year MDC courses of studies in Botany Syllabus under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-8-23 Instruction regarding IDC of Library and Information Studies under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-8-23 Syllabus for Tourism and Travel Management (Core vocational) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-8-23 Syllabus for Advertising Sales promotion and Sales Management (Core vocational) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
28-8-23 The new syllabus for IDC of Physiology (Honours & Honours with Research and Three-year Multidisciplinary) courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
23-8-23 Syllabus of Physical Education (After incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in (CSR/22/23, dt. 02.8.23) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
23-8-23 Syllabus for Film Studies (Syllabus for IDC & SEC Paper) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
16-8-23 Syllabus for Industrial Fish & Fisheries (core vocational) semester wise Four-year (Honours with core vocational) programme of U.G. Courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
15-8-23 Amendments of IDC paper in the syllabus of Psychology (CSR/18/23, dt. 24.07.2023) in semester wise Four-year (Honours & Honours with Research)/ Three-year (Multidisciplinary) programme of U.G. Courses of studies, under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-8-23 Syllabus of Communicative English (core vocational) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
10-8-23 Syllabus of Mathematics (After incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in CSR/13/23, dt. 12.7.23) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
10-8-23 Syllabus of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics (core vocational) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
8-8-23 Syllabus of Computer Application (Honours with Core-vocational) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
4-8-23 Syllabus of Sanskrit (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in (CSR/18/23, dt. 24.7.23) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Syllabus of Physical Education under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Syllabus of Film Studies under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Syllabus of Persian (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in (CSR/20/23, dt. 28.7.23) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Syllabus of Islamic History & Culture (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in (CSR/13/23, dt. 12.7.23) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Syllabus of History (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in (CSR/13/23, dt. 12.7.23) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Syllabus of Geography under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
2-8-23 Admission & Examination Regulations for Four-year B.F.A. (Honours & Honours with Research) under CCF 2022
1-8-23 Syllabus of Computer Science. CSR 20/23 Dated - 28/07/2023
30-7-23 Syllabus of Environmental Science (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus published in CSR/18/23, dt. 24.7.2023) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
30-7-23 Amendments in SEC paper of Physiology (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses (as mentioned in CSR/13/23, Dt. 24.7.2023) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
30-7-20 Marks distribution for semesters 1 & 2 and Amendments in the syllabus of English (4-year Honours/ 3-year MDC) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-7-23 Syllabus of B. Mus. (Honours) and Music (Minor) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-7-23 Syllabus of Persian under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-7-23 Syllabus of Human Development under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-7-23 Syllabus of Defence Studies under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
29-7-23 Syllabus of Food & Nutrition under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
25-7-23 Syllabus of French under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
25-7-23 Syllabus of B.B.A. (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus Published in CSR/13/23, Dt. 12/07/2023) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
25-7-23 Syllabus of Hindi (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus Published in CSR/13/23, Dt. 12/07/2023) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
25-7-23 Syllabus of Psychology (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus Published in CSR/13/23, Dt. 12/07/2023) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Microbiology (Revised syllabus after incorporating some amendments, in the syllabus Published in CSR/13/23, Dt. 12/07/2023) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Household Art (Minor/ MDC) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Electronics under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Statistics under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Library & Information Studies under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Arabic under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Sanskrit (Honours) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Physics under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
24-7-23 Syllabus of Environmental Science under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
21-7-23 The Syllabi of Compulsory CVAC Courses in Semester 1 & 2 for Semester wise Four-year (Honours & Honours with Research) / Three-year (Multidisciplinary) under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
17-7-23 Syllabus of B.B.A. under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
17-7-23 Syllabus of Social Science under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Geology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Women's Studies under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Urdu under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Sociology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Psychology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Political Science under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Physiology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
14-7-23 Syllabus of Philosophy under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Molecular Biology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Microbiology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Mathematics under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Journalism & Mass Communication under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Home Science Extension Education under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of History, Islamic History & Culture under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Human Rights under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of English under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Economics under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Chemistry under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Botany under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Biochemistry under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Zoology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of BFAD under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Bengali under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
13-7-23 Syllabus of Anthropology under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
12-7-23 Syllabus of Hindi under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
12-7-23 Syllabus of Education under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
12-7-23 Syllabus of Commerce under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-2024
11-7-23 Admission and Examination Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B.F.A.D. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
11-7-23 Admission Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B.MUS. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
11-7-23 Admission Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. (Honours with a Core Vocational Subject) Courses of Studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
10-7-23 Admission Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B.B.A. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022)
30-6-23 CORRIGENDUM for Three-year B.A./B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary) Courses of Studies (CSR/04/2023, dt. 23.6.2023), Four-year B.A./B.Sc. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies (CSR/05/2023, dt. 23.6.2023) and Four-year B.Com. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies & Three-year B.Com. Courses of Studies (CSR/06/2023, dt. 23.6.2023)
23-6-23 The Admission Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B. Com. (Honours & Honours with Research) & Three-year B. Com. Courses of Studies (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022), under this University
23-6-23 The Admission Regulations for Semester wise Four-year B.A./ B.Sc. (Honours & Honours with Research) Courses of Studies, (under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022), under this University
23-6-23 The Admission Regulations for Semester wise Three-year B.A. / B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary Courses of Studies, under Curriculum & Credit Framework, 2022), under this University