Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Members

Name Affiliation Email
Prof. Nikhil Ranjan Das Director, CRNN [email protected], [email protected]
Dr. PrasunĀ  Mukherjee CRNN [email protected]
Prof. Sanatan Chattopadhyay Electronics Science [email protected]
Prof. Dipankar Chattopadhyay Polymer Science and Technology [email protected]
Prof. Urmi Chatterji Zoology [email protected]
Dr. Anirban Bhattacharyya Radio Physics and Electronics [email protected]
Prof. Sanjit Dey Physiology [email protected]
Dr. Aritra Banerjee Physics [email protected]
Prof. Sanjay Ghosh Biochemistry [email protected]
Prof. Nikhil Guchhait Chemistry [email protected]
Prof. Rita Kundu Botany [email protected]
Dr. Shreya Chattopadhyay Physiology [email protected]
Prof. Pubali Dhar Home Science [email protected]
Dr. Punarbasu Chowdhury Environmental Science [email protected]
Dr. Subhasis Roy Chemical Engineering  [email protected]
Dr. Dipankar Chakraborti Genetics [email protected]
Dr. Sukhendu Mandal Micro Biology [email protected]
Prof. Sampa Chakraborty Chemical Engineering [email protected]
Prof. Sudipta Bandyopadhyay Physics [email protected]
Dr. Moumita Bandyopadhyay Botany [email protected]
Prof. Ena Ray Banerjee Zoology [email protected]
Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti Chemistry [email protected]
Prof. Swapan Chakraborty Chemistry [email protected]
Prof. Debasish Das Former Director, CRNN [email protected]
Prof. Debatosh Guha Dean (Engg. & Tech.), Former Director [email protected]
Prof. Pritha Mukhopadhyay Dean (Science) [email protected]