Professor Saumendranath Bera, Ph. D.
Centre for Studies in Book Publishing
University of Calcutta
Asutosh Building, First Floor
College Street Campus (Asutosh Siksha Prangan)
87/1 College Street, Kolkata 700 073
West Bengal, India
Visiting Hours : 2 pm – 6:30 pm [Working days: Monday –Friday]
Phone: +91(033) 2241 0071-4 /Extn: 338
FAX: +91 (033) 2241 3222
Email (Director):
Truly unique, the Centre for Studies in Book Publishing (CSBP) at the University of Calcutta represents a new genre of multi-disciplinary academic endeavour and is the first of its kind which focuses on the study of book publishing in India. Set up in 2007, the CSBP functions under the Faculty Council for Postgraduate Studies in Education, Journalism and Library Science. Apart from offering the one year Postgraduate Diploma in Book Publishing Studies, the CSBP has been involved with myriads of related activities. The Centre focuses on the study of book publishing and allied fields and it has already gained wide acclaim from the book publishing industry and won the appreciation of the academic circle. The University of Calcutta, which pioneered the age of higher education in the Indian subcontinent, provides a natural niche for the publishing community. The growth and gradual consolidation of the book publishing industry in India owes, perhaps most, to the spread of education system under the fold of this great seat of learning. The University has also been one of the leading publishers for over a century. Round the year it publishes a huge number of books, monographs and journals.
Aims and Objectives
Centre for Studies in Book Publishing is administered by an Advisory Committee.
Chairman : Prof. Suranjan Das, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
Vice Chairman : Prof. Dhrubajyoti Chattopadhyay, Hon'ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Hon'ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Business Affairs & Finance)
Prof P N Roy, Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Prof. Biswanath Roy, Dept of Bengali Language and Literature
Prof. Biplab Chakrabarti, Dept of Libray & Information Science
Dr. Soumitra Sarkar, University Librarian
President, Publishers & Booksellers Guild
General Secretary, Publishers & Booksellers Guild
Secretary, Faculty Council for P G Studies in Education, Journalism and Library Science
DIRECTOR : Professor Saumendranath Bera, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Calcutta
Short Term Courses/ Training Programmes
Apart from offering the one year Postgraduate Diploma in Book Publishing Studies, the CSBP conducts short-term training courses in association with various organisations, such as, National Book Trust, India, Publishers and Booksellers Guild, Kolkata, on various aspects of today's publishing for emerging and intermediate professionals in the field.
The programmes include: editorial techniques / copyrights/ rights management/book production and design / warehousing and inventory/ book promotion and publicity/ book distribution/ sales and marketing/ electronic publishing/ translation techniques etc.
Resource persons come from an expert-pool in the field of publishing from across the country.
Translation Studies
The CSBP aims to promote translation studies and conduct short-term training sessions and workshops exclusively on translation techniques and translation projects.
The CSBP also undertakes specific measures to promote publication of good quality translations and to sensitise publishers/ translators/authors about the copyright related issues involving translated materials.
A book is a cultural product. But the existence of a book does not depend on cultural, literary or aesthetic factors alone. Publishing industry plays the crucial role of institutionalising a book. Thus, the emergence of a book at a given point in history presupposes a print culture which is a complex network of a heterogeneous cluster of readership layers and desires, socio-cultural and political trends, the state of technology, modes of circulation and the role of publishing agencies.
The CSBP is unique in the country in providing a well-equipped centralized resource wing to the scholars to pursue research in this field. The publication programmes of the CSBP help such works get wider notice. Formal meets and seminars ensure regular interactions among scholars, national and international, on the platform of the CSBP.
Bengal book Publishing Lecture
The CSBP is proud having instituted the annual ‘Bengal Book Publishing Lecture' in 2008.
An eminent personality on a subject related to book publishing and print culture is invited to deliver the lecture. The CSBP hopes that the lecture, unique of its kind, would not only contribute to the growing scholarship in the field but also help enrich new generation of professionals and every book-lover.
CSBP Notebook
The CSBP publishes a newsletter, CSBP Notebook with active participation of the students of the course.
CSBP Online
The Centre also brings out an e-newsletter ‘CSBP Online’.
Calcutta University Journal of Book Publishing Studies
The CSBP publishes an annual academic journal titled, Calcutta University Journal of Book Publishing Studies.
Other Publications
The CSBP publishes books, monographs, occasional papers on various aspects of book publishing, history of publishing, print culture and translation studies.
Located on the Third Floor, C U Central Library, College Street Campus, the DATA GENERATION & EDITING CENTRE (DG & EC) is a fully equipped computer lab. It’s run jointly by the CSBP and CU Central Library in collaboration with Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata and National Book Trust, India.
Professor Suranjan Das, Hony. Vice Chancellor inaugurated the Centre on 14 February 2014.
[Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India]
The University of Calcutta collaborates with National Book Trust, India, an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for jointly conducting multifarious activities for the benefit of the book publishing industry. The University-NBT, India collaboration, the only of its kind in the country, is a trend setting model of industry-institute partnership.
The Memorandum of Understanding signed on 19 June 2012 initiated mutual collaboration in running the one-year Postgraduate Diploma Course in Book Publishing Studies, offered by the University at the Centre for Studies in Book Publishing.
The University introduced the PGDBPS course in 2005 in collaboration with the Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata. The University- NBT joint initiative will further strengthen the course
National Book Trust, India
H.Q.: C-5, Nehru Bhawan, Institutional Area,
Vasant Kunj, Phase-II, New Delhi -110070, India
Phone No: +91-011-26707738/ +91-011-26707700
Eastern Regional Office
Jalan Seva Trust Building, Second Floor
61, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kolkata 700 009
West Bengal, India
Phone: +91-033-22413899/Fax: +91-033-22413899
Established in 1957, the National Book Trust, India is a highly professional multilingual publishing house. NBT books are available in 32 Indian languages and in English. It also functions as the nodal body for the promotion of Indian books and for the dissemination of book culture in India.
It is involved in various activities to fulfill its objectivities--.
Promotion of Indian Books Abroad : As the nodal agency for the promotion of Indian books abroad, the NBT participates in various international book fairs and organizes book exhibitions overseas by putting collective exhibit of books published by various Indian publishers.
Book Fairs : NBT is the pioneer in India in organizing book fairs. It has been organizing the biennial New Delhi World Book Fair, the Second Biggest Book Fair in the world, since 1972, the International Book Year. It organizes book fairs across the country at various levels, such as, National Book Fairs, Regional Book Fairs and Book Fairs for children and also for the youth.
Pustak Parikrama : NBT also operates an innovative scheme since 1992 of exhibition of books through mobile vans called Pustak Parikrama or Books on Wheels across the country.
National Book Week : NBT celebrates the National Book Week every year from 14 November to 20 November all over the country to commemorate the birthday of first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. During the Week, a number of seminars, workshop, book exhibitions and activities for and by the children are organized throughout the country.
Assistance to Authors and Publishers : NBT provides financial assistance to the authors and publishers of text books and reference material to promote the publication of reasonably priced books for higher education. The scope of the scheme has been widened to provide assistance for the publication in Indian languages, of thought-provoking works of non-fiction, including dictionaries and encyclopedias etc.
National Center for Children’s Literature : NBT has a special unit for children, the National Centre for Children’s Literary (NCCL), to coordinate, plan and aid the publication of quality children’s literature in various Indian Languages. NBT Book Club: In order to ensure the availability of NBT’s publications it has been running a Book Club Scheme since 1994. It has established approximately 60,000 Book Clubs throughout the country.
Publishing Course : NBT has been conducting introductory courses in book publishing across the country to help aspirants develop their skills for better future in the field.
It will benefit the book publishing community as well as those who want to make a mark as the publishing professionals.
Short Term Courses
The NBT and the University of Calcutta would conduct short-term training programmes on various specialised aspects of book publishing for emerging and intermediate professionals.
The programmes include: editorial techniques / copyrights/ rights management/book production and design / warehousing and inventory/ book promotion and publicity/ book distribution/sales and marketing/ electronic publishing/ translation techniques etc.
NBT has vast experience of conducting introductory courses in book publishing across the country to help aspirants develop their skills for better future in the field. Our joint effort and commitment will benefit the book publishing industry immensely.
Such courses interest people working in the many organisations including NGOs that publish documents even though they are not conventional publishers. Staff assigned for such responsibilities can develop their skills in this area.
Course guides are selected from the best experts in the field of publishing from across the country.
Seminars, Workshops
The CSBP and NBT will also hold seminars, workshops and such other programmes for the promotion of books and for the dissemination of book culture.
Contact :
Mr. M.A. Sikandar
Director, NBT, India
Phone No: +91-011-26707738/ +91-011-26707700
Email (Director):
You may also contact:
Regional Manager,
Eastern Regional Office, NBT, India
Phone: +91-033-22413899/Fax: +91-033-22413899
COLLABORATION WITH Publishers & Booksellers Guild (A Premier Forum of Leading Publishers)
The University of Calcutta and the Publishers & Booksellers Guild signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 28 February 2005 in the matter of running the Postgraduate Diploma in Book Publishing Studies. The Memorandum of Understanding has been subsequently renewed.
One of the premier forums with the country’s leading and well-known publishers, the Publishers & Booksellers Guild was formed in 1975 to extend help to the publishers and booksellers in successful pursuance of their trade. It is the Guild which organises the globally acclaimed International Kolkata Book Fair since 1976.
The President and the Hony. General Secretary of the Guild are members of the diploma course Advisory Committee.
Short-Term Courses : The CSBP and Guild jointly hold Short-Term Training Courses of one or two week duration on various aspects of publishing.
Bengal Book Publishing Lecture : The CSBP organises the ‘Bengal Book Publishing Lecture' and holds seminars, workshops, special lectures, etc with the support of the Guild.
Contact :
Hony. General Secretary
Publishers & Booksellers Guild
Guild House, 2B Jhamapukur Lane, Kolkata 700 009
West Bengal, India
Phone: +91 (033) 2354 4417, 2360 4588 /Fax: +91 (033) 2360 4566
Office Hours: 12 pm-5 pm on all working days (Monday- Saturday)
Other Organisations
The CSBP aims to explore all possible ways and means of collaborating with any organisation/ institution, committed individuals, directly and indirectly related to publishing, for facilitating knowledge creation and sharing. CSBP presently organizes various programmes in collaboration with and with the support of various other academic and professional bodies, such as, Sahitya Academy and National Knowledge Commission.
A Complete One-Year Evening Programme
The University of Calcutta offers the Postgraduate Diploma in Book Publishing Studies (PGDBPS) at the CSBP in collaboration with the National Book Trust, India (Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India) and the Publishers & Booksellers Guild ,Kolkata, one of the premier forums with the country’s leading and well-known publishers. The course has already attracted attention of the publishing community across India and our graduates are doing well in the industry.
Respectable and Rewarding
Book publishing is a respectable and financially rewarding career option for you. India's nearly Rs.8 billion book publishing industry is growing by over 15 percent every year with a huge demand for skilled and well-trained professionals. The 16,000-odd publishers are responsible for nearly 85,000 titles released annually. India is the third largest producer of books in English language. As the book publishing industry grows steadily, the job opportunities are also increasing in leaps and bounds. The demand-supply gap in the job market is more than evident.
With more international houses outsourcing to India, there are more opportunities for editors, proofreaders, typesetters, data operators, designers and, of course, printers.
The PGDBPS prepares you for a variety of different roles in the publishing industry. It provides the best quality training the industry is looking for and gives each student the unquestionable edge in the job markets. The course structure also encourages students to take the challenges of starting their own publishing ventures as well as to update the knowledge of those who are already in this coveted profession.
The Course Equips Each Student with the Understanding o f--
Both the business and cultural aspects of book publishing.
Core skills in topics like Editorial Techniques, Design, Production and Post-Production.
Legal aspects of publishing, protecting copyright, contract, checking piracy etc.
Functions of all stakeholders in book publishing and overall management of publishing establishments.
Book Promotion and Marketing of Books.
Basic principles of Financial Management in book publishing.
Industry-Institute Partnership: Some exclusive advantages
The Calcutta University – NBT-- Guild combination helps widen the scope of our students. Wide recognition of the course as a reputed professional programme helps the students grab the most lucrative jobs in this field.
This trend-setting industry-institute partnership enables us to make sure that our curriculum is appropriate to the current and future needs of the industry.
The leaders of the publishing industry are not just an external source of guidance and support, but an integral part of the CSBP process. They actively take part in running the course, ranging from preparing curricular programme to assessing performance of the students.
Our regular workshops aimed at hands-on training in editing, writing, design and other aspects of publishing introduce our students to the industry leaders in those specialised areas. This not only allows them a thorough training beyond the limitations of classroom lectures, but also a personal level interaction with the well-known publishing professionals who come to conduct these workshops.
The University – NBT-- Guild partnership also means a direct industry interface. Compulsory Internship and Study Tours are arranged in collaboration with major publishing and printing organisations to give our students an idea about the floor-level exercises as well as build their own network within the industry. They also get a chance to prove their mettle before the prospective employers.
Placement Support
Pro-active placement support is provided to the students in leading publishing concerns.
Diploma Course Advisory Committee
The diploma course is supervised/ monitored by a separate Advisory Committee, appointed by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor.
Members are –
Director, National Book Trust, India
President, Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata
General Secretary, Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata
Mr. Debajyoti Datta, Managing Director, Shishu Sahitya Samsad, Kolkata, Former President, FIP
Prof. Nabanita Dev Sen, Eminent Writer
Dr. Ramkumar Mukhopadhyay, Regional Secretary, Sahitya Academy, Kolkata
Prof. Sanjukta Dasgupta, Department of English, University of Calcutta
Prof. Biswanath Roy, Department of Bengali Language and Literature, University of Calcutta
Prof. Biplab Chakrabarti, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calcutta
Prof. Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat, Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta
Dr. Soumitra Sarkar, University Librarian, University of Calcutta
Prof. Saumendranath Bera, Director, CSBP, University of Calcutta
Joint Coordinators of the Course:
Prof. Biplab Chakrabarti / Email:
Prof. Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat / Email:
Postgraduate Diploma in Book Publishing Studies (PGDBPS)
Duration – One Year
Total Marks – 600
Paper I: Introduction to Book Publishing (Marks 100)
Paper II: Book Publishing Laws (Marks 100)
Paper III: Book Editing Practice (Marks 100)
Paper IV: Making of Books (Marks 100)
Paper V: Management in Book Publishing (Marks 100)
Paper VI: Business Communication, Project Report & Internship (Marks 100)
Group A: Business Communication (Marks 40)
Group B: Project Report (Marks 40)
Group C: Internship (Marks 20)
Intake : Twenty Five (25) in total.
Five (5) seats are reserved for candidates sponsored by publishing/printing organisations.
One (1) seat for NRI/ Foreign candidates.
In case suitable Sponsored Candidate(s)/ NRI/ Foreign candidate(s) is/are not found, the vacant seats will be filled from among other candidates duly selected.
Eligibility : Any candidate with Bachelor’s Degree in Arts / Science/ Commerce (Honours/ General/ Vocational / Engineering and Technology/ Medical Sciences/ or its equivalent) is eligible to apply. A candidate appeared at the final examination for graduation is also eligible to apply. However, if selected, such a candidate has to submit the proof (pass certificate, mark sheet etc) of his/her graduation before admission to this course.
NRI/ Foreign candidates shall have to comply with the relevant rules of the University.
SC/ST Etc : Reservation for the Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe / OBC/ Physically Handicapped candidates as per rule.
Age Limit : No upper age limit.
Session : June--May
Admission Schedule Notification : Admission Schedule is notified in June-July every year.
Please visit the homepage of the University website ( and click on the ‘Admission Notification’ section to see the detailed Admission Notice. Admission Notice is uploaded also on the website of the NBT, India ( and the website of the Guild (www.
Fees : Course Fee: Rs.10, 000 ( Rupees Ten thousand) for non-sponsored candidates/ Rs.11, 000 ( Rupees Eleven thousand) for sponsored candidates/ Rs.25, 000 ( Rupees Twenty thousand) for NRI/ Foreign candidates. Library Fee and Examination Fee separate.
Course Fee is received in full at the time of admission in the form of a single crossed bank draft/banker's cheque drawn in favour of 'CU A/C P G DIPLOMA COURSE IN BOOK PUBLISHING’ payable at Kolkata. Fees are non-refundable.
Class Timing : Classes are normally held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4-30pm to 7-45pm. However, in some cases workshops, seminars and study tours are arranged on other days including Saturdays and Sundays.
DG & EC : Our students get unique opportunity of hands-on training at the DATA GENERATION & EDITING CENTRE (Third Floor, Central Library, College Street Campus), a fully equipped computer lab. It’s run jointly by the CSBP and CU Central Library in collaboration with Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata and National Book Trust, India.
Venue : Calcutta University is a vibrant, student-friendly place. Classes are held at the historic College Street Campus (Asutosh Siksha Prangan). The venue is in the midst of the city's premier publishing hub. With excellent transport links it can be reached by public transport from all parts of the metropolis and its periphery.
Instructions & Training Process
Medium of instruction : English.
Resource Persons : A range of eminent and experienced teachers from various academic institutions, professionals from major Indian and international publishing organizations and various academic institutions. They are the leading lights in the field--- copy editors, creative writers, designers, marketing experts, illustrators and academics – each offering insights into their own specialist area.
Study Materials : Study materials are provided on various topics.
Not in classroom only : At the CSBP, learning doesn’t end in the classroom. We always look for fresh and innovative methods to help our students learn.
Practical : The course offers theoretical and practical inputs of the highest standard and ensures unparalleled exposure to floor-level experience for each student. Much of the course is devoted to the practical work.
Workshop and Special Lectures : Regular workshops on all major aspects of book publishing are aimed at providing hands-on experience. Special lectures are also arranged regularly by inviting nationally and internationally acclaimed experts.
Study Tour : Study Tours are arranged to give the students an idea about the floor-level exercises
Soft-skill Development : Special programmes are arranged free of cost for soft-skill development of the students.
Library / Internet Service : The University Library, located in the same campus, is one of the best of its kind. Free of cost Internet Service is also provided.
Internship : Access is key and the internship provides our students an exclusive access to the domain of hard-core professionals. Internship is a compulsory curricular task for each student. We take special care to arrange it at major publishing and printing organisations all over the country.
The CSBP thanks the following houses for providing internship to the diploma course students --
Ananda Publishers Pvt Ltd, Kolkata
Best Books, Kolkata
Bharati Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Book Syndicate, Kolkata
Chhaya Prakashani, Kolkata
Deep Prakashan, Kolkata
Dev Sahitya Kutir Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Dey's Publishing, Kolkata
Diamond Pocket Books, New Delhi
Eastern Law House Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
NetScribes India Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
New Central Book Agency (Pvt.) Ltd., Kolkata.
Orient Blackswan Private Limited, New Delhi
Oxford University Press, New Delhi
P M Bagchi & Co. Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Papyrus Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Patrabharati Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Ponytale Books, New Delhi
Progressive Publishers, Kolkata
Punascha Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Saraswati Press Ltd., Kolkata
Shishu Sahitya Samsad Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Sterling Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi
The career opportunities in the book publishing industry are diverse --
Employment : Publishing companies have been the first destinations for our students. They are recruited for working with lucrative salaries in areas like editing, marketing, designing etc.
Entrepreneurship : With adequate training, one may opt for setting up own publishing unit. Some of our students are running their units successfully.
Freelancing : A huge scope for freelancing. Leading publishers are also looking to outsource editing, proofreading, designing and typesetting work. Pass-outs of the PGDBPS course get preference in such jobs.
Content writing : Quite a good number of professionals with good command over English who are known as content writers are engaged to maintain web portals or websites. Apart from language skill, editing proficiency is an essential prerequisite to be eligible for such highly paid jobs. Graduates of our publishing course also find jobs in other corporate houses and NGOs. Such organisations often look for publishing professionals to manage their content (both web and print), translation, design, B2B magazines and similar other divisions. Big advertising agencies and even Public Relations firms also need expert content writers and editors, which again becomes a source of employment to the CSBP graduates.
Alumni Make Us Proud : The alumni of the book publishing course are doing well in the industry. They are working in reputed organisations across the country. Some of them are successfully running their own publishing concerns.
Ex-students Recollect —
Tuhin Subhra Bhattacharya, National Sales Manager, Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
“On the first day of our year-long Book Publishing course at CU it was really difficult to anticipate what the future days were going to unfold before the freshly-inducted publishing students. It was an extremely rigorous test and interview through which we all had to pass. And we all were very proud to be learning from stalwarts of the publishing industry like Mr. Sukumar Das of UBSPD, Mr. Asoke Ghosh of Prentice Hall of India, or Mr. Debajyoty Dutta of Sishu Sahitya Samsad, among many others. They taught us the nuances of the book publishing trade, turning us into publishing professionals. But what I understand now, working in the publishing industry of New Delhi, is that without the comprehensive as well as hands on knowledge that I gained from the course, it was simply impossible for me to rise from the post of a Senior Officer to that of the Sales Manager, looking after the entire business operations of a dynamically growing publishing organisation across the globe. Now I know… an unfailing truth, that this course is invaluable in making the book publishing trade a professionally driven industry.”
Alekhya Bhattacharya, Editor, Dev Sahitya Kutir Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
“Books – we are as much familiar with as book publishing industry is unfamiliar to us. The industry with a number of domains of activities – editing, printing, binding and marketing has immense trade potentiality and offer huge employment. Interestingly, the CSBP at CU has brought before aspiring publishing professionals of India and SAARC countries a unique opportunity of getting trained and having hand on experience on all these areas of publishing. The one-year PGDBP course is a comprehensive one for preparing the competent future publishing managers. In fact, as I am presently working as an Editor at one of the premier publishing houses in Kolkata and have got attached to a few more concerns with editorial works would not have been possible except this arduous training I had. “
Asutosh Roy, Senior Editor, Anand Books International, Delhi, India
“Book publishing relies heavily on a kind of apprentice system or internship for filling its professional ranks. But a professional course in book publishing is a must for training in the key functional areas such as editorial, production, and marketing. I am fortunate enough to complete CU PGDBP course despite my other tight schedules. The contents of the course as designed by experts from various disciplines and the opportunity of attending workshops under the guidance of highly skilled and experienced teachers had great utility in my professional career.
In fact, there's a tough competition in the job market. I find that this course has helped me equip myself to face challenges in all aspects of book publishing. At the same time I'm sure if a candidate is serious and desperate to pursue this course and can master the technicalities of publishing science, then it would bring lots of luck to him in this profession.
It's no problem to win the competition. Despite my several years of experience in editing books and journals, I felt the need of doing this course to gain confidence and to hone my skill in editing through regular practice that requires tremendous efforts and iron will. Above all, I wish all my friends who are devoted to pursue this course to benefit enormously in their professional life.One word more from this most humble student. All the credit that I have achieved after doing this course goes to my beloved teachers and trainers.”
Sayanti Das, Publishing Co-ordinator, Ananda Publishers Private Ltd., Kolkata
“The world of publishing was unknown to me. The PGDBP course revealed the adventurous world of publishing to me. Then, I got a highly satisfying job at Ananda Publishers Pvt. Ltd. through this course.”
Prof. Biplab Chakrabarti , Joint Coordinator, PGDBPS/ Email:
Prof. Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat , Joint Coordinator, PGDBPS/ Email:
You are also free to contact : Prof. Saumendranath Bera, Director, CSBP
Email: ,
You may also contact : The Director, NBT, India/H.Q. (New Delhi) & the Regional Manager, Eastern Regional Office, NBT, India, Kolkata and the General Secretary, Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata