Academic Department University Of Calcutta


Year of Establishment : 2000

History of the department : The two year post graduate course in the Environmental Science Department commenced in the year 2000 with a current intake capacity of 16 students. The students are from various undergraduate honours discipline of Environmental Science, Life Science, Physical Science and Earth Science. Besides theoretical and practical classes, students undertake a three months full time Institutional / Industrial training in leading organizations and Universities. Presently the Department has three permanent faculty members and few other sanctioned posts.

Faculties of repute from various science department– Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Geology, Home Science, Geography, Atmospheric Science, Marine Science, Zoology, Botany, Genetics, Neuroscience etc. and Technology Departments along with other guest faculties from Management and Technology Institution/ Industries are taking classes regularly. The department has research collaboration with several National and International Research Institutions. Moreover faculties are running several Government Projects very successfully and also provide service in the form of consultancy. The faculties have also performed advisory roles as well as are actively engaged in several community outreach program. Meanwhile faculties have given several invited lectures at the National and International level. The Department has also organized several workshops and seminars in collaboration with other esteemed Institutions.

The Department is also running Ph.D. programme in Environmental Science and students from the Department and other collaborative research institutions are successfully continuing their doctoral research. The excellence of the Department has been established with the publication of several high impact research articles in international journals. Highly motivated, disciplined and high quality students of the Department excelled in examinations like GATE, NET, GRE etc.  Alumni of the Department contribute significantly to research and teaching in several highly acclaimed national and international institutions.

The laboratory and library facility of the Department is worth mentioning. The bondage of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Department and also the students have made it possible to crystallize a department as a successful  one and this endeavor will ensure its significant contribution in the field  of future Environmental Science research.

Special award/ recognition from UGC or related statutory body: 

  • DST-PURSE supported Department
  • Instrumentation support under UGC-UPE scheme


Faculty Members
Name Designation Area of specialization Email/Phone number
Punarbasu Chaudhuri
Professor & HoD Mangrove Ecology & Bioprospecting, Climate change, Green Chemistry, Geochemistry and Geoinformatics [email protected]
[email protected]
Aniruddha Mukhopadhayay
Professor Environmental Biotechnology, Pollution treatment, Bioremediation and  Toxicology [email protected]
Pritha Bhattacharjee
Associate Professor Environmental Toxicogenomics, Molecular Biology and Human Genetics [email protected]
[email protected]
Visiting/Guest faculty members :
Name Institutions attached with Period of appointment
Mr. Aloke Mookerjea ABB India Ltd. Since 2000
Dr. Anasuya Chatterjee Asutosh College (Retd.) Since 2015
Mr. Anindya Niyogi Bharat Foundation Since 2000
Dr. Asok K. Sarkar Vivekananda College (Retd.) Since 2007
Prof. Chittaranjan Bhattachrya Dept. of Geology, CU (Retd.) Since 2000
Mr. Jayanta Basu Environment Governed Integrated Organization Since 2000
Dr. Joy Prakash Chattopadhyay Hindustan Fertilizer Ltd. (Retd.) Since 2000
Dr. Jyoti Shankar Bandopadhyay Vidyasagar University Since 2008
Dr. Kathakoli Gupta Consultant Engineer  
Prof. Pradip K. Sikdar IESWBM Since 2006
Dr. Pinaki Ranjan Chakraborty Vijoygarh J. R. College Since 2007
Prof. Pulak Lahiri Dept. of Zoology, CU (Retd.) Since 2000
Dr. Sajal Bhattacharya Asutosh College Since 2007
Dr. Sajal K. Chakraborty USEPA & SAIL (Retd.) Since 2000
Dr. Shubhendu Gupta U.P.M. College (Retd.) Since 2000
Dr. Snehasikta Swarnakar CSIR-IICB Since 2006
Dr. Soumendra Nath Talapatra CA Solutions Since 2005
Prof. Sudip K. Bandopadhyay Dept. of Biochemistry, CU (Retd.) Since 2000
Dr. Tapan Mishra Vidyasagar College (Retd.) Since 2000

Courses :

Programme Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
M. Sc. Post-graduation B.Sc. (Hons.) with minimum 55% marks and Chemistry as a subject. 16
Ph.D. Research As per UGC norms Varies


Research Scholars :
Name Broad area of research topic Name of the supervisor Date of registration
Abhirupa Kar Microbial remediation of water Prof. Aniruddha Mukhopadhyay 2014
Alokesh Mridha Synthesis and application of natural dye 2015
Priya Banerjee Nanocomposite based waste water treatment 2014
Rajlaxmi Basu Effect of aqueous toxins on  sewage and automobile workers 2014
Shramana Roy Barman Adsorbents for waste water treatment  
Sirshendu Ghosh Wetland dynamics and ecotoxicology 2014
Madhurima Bakshi Bioprospecting of Sundarban mangroves Dr. Punarbasu Chaudhuri 2014
Nabanita Naskar Radioactivity in mangrove environment 2016
Shouvik Mahanty Fungi mediated nanoparticle synthesis and application.  
Shubhro Mitra Acid sulphate soil in mangrove ecosystem  
Somdeep Ghosh Climate change effect on mangrove  
Vaswati Nandy Prospecting of mangrove fungi  
Kaushik Mondal Waste hair and occupational health issues Dr. Pritha Bhattacharjee  
Pritha Bhattacharjee Epigenetics of arsenic toxicity  
Ritwija Bhattacharya Tea polyphenols and health  
Shuvam Banerjee Trace metal and cancer biomarker  
Tamalika Sanyal Mitochondrial epigenetics  
Projects :
Project title Funding agency Principal investigator Duration Budget
Green synthesis of iron nanoparticles from manglicolous fungi of Indian Sundarban  and their application in sequestration of heavy metals from contaminated water DBT Punarbasu Chaudhuri 2016-2019 55 lakhs
Promising Role of black tea  polyphenols as epigenetic modulator:  A new bridge between nutrition and health NTRF Pritha Bhattacharjee 2015-2018 19 lakhs
Comparative study of trace elements in the blood  and buccal saliva of Arsenicosis and cancer patients using PIXE & its relation with DNA damage progression UGC-DAE Pritha Bhattacharjee 2015-2018 8 lakhs
Effect of climate change on mobilization of trace element from acid sulphate soils in coastal mangrove habitat of Sundarban UGC-DAE Punarbasu Chaudhuri 2014-2017 8 lakhs
Health impact of household level air pollution TERI Punarbasu Chaudhuri 2014-2016 1.6 lakhs
Studies on migration of mangroves in Hoogly estuary and its potentiality assessment as climate change indicator DST-SERB Punarbasu Chaudhuri 2013-2016 22 lakhs
Role of Epigenetic Modifications in Arsenic-Induced Toxicity and Carcinogenicity: with special reference to Histone Modification DST-SERB Pritha Bhattacharjee 2013-2016 22lakhs
Collaborations :
Title of the programme Principal collaborator of the department Name and address of the collaborating institution Principal collaborator of the collaborating institution Duration of the programme
Genetic Variation in Multidrug Resistance Gene (MRP4) in Arsenic Exposed Population of West Bengal Pritha Bhattacharjee Dept. of Physiology, University of Alberta, Canada Dr. Elaine Leslie 2016-2017
Cardiovascular Disease in Children Exposed to Arsenic, Lead and Mercury Pritha Bhattacharjee Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY-OSWEGO, USA Dr. Kestutis G. Bendinskas 2016-2019
Ceramic membrane based processors for waste water treatment and toxicity impact analysis Aniruddha Mukhopadhyay Ceramic Membrane Division, CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata Dr. Sourja Ghosh 2014-2017
Study to elucidate the significance of East Kolkata Wetland in carbon sequestration to mitigate the climate change. Aniruddha Mukhopadhyay IESWM, Kolkata Mr. Tapan Saha 2014-2016
Assessment and modeling on decolorization of textile effluents by sorption coupled with biodegradation in a fluidized bed bioreactor and evaluation of reactor performance. Aniruddha Mukhopadhyay Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Dr. Papita Das 2013-2016
Effect of coastal pollution on mangroves Punarbasu Chaudhuri School of Geoscience, University of Sydney Prof. Gavin Birch 2012-2013
Framing Environmental Management Policy for backward areas of Sundarban using Geo-information Technology (DSA Phase I program on Environment  Management of UGC) Punarbasu Chaudhuri Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta Prof. Sitanath Mazumder 2011-2016
Health of stone quarry workers of Birbhum districts Punarbasu Chaudhuri ISI, Kolkata. Prof. Subrata Roy 2011-2014
Thrust areas in teaching and research of the academic department / centre :
  • Bioprospecting
  • Bioremediation
  • Climate change
  • Ecology and biodiversity
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Epigenomics
  • Geoinformatic
  • Green chemistry
  • Mangrove ecology and geochemistry
  • Nutrigenomics
  • Occupational health
  • Toxicogenomics
  • Waste and pollution management

Teaching support

  • Instrumentation practical through virtual laboratories
  • Academic assignments through e-learning
  • Participatory assessment and evaluation
  • On-site hands on training
  • Community outreach programme on environmental awareness
  • Android based geospatial study

Research support :

Name of the equipment Brief description Funding agency
Automatic Weather Station Continuous monitoring of multiple weather parameters DST-SERB
COD digester For water quality analysis CU
Cold Centrifuge Multiple rotors with temperature adjustment UGC XIth Plan
Digestion facility (Microwave and Block) Sample preparation for ICP-OES analysis UGC-UPE
Dual beam Spectrophotometer Equipped with UV and visible light source UGC XIIth Plan
Flame photometer For sodium, potassium and calcium analysis CU
Gas Chromatograph Equipped with flame ionization detector UGC XIIth Plan
GIS and Remote sensing facility Geospatial Study DST-SERB
GPS Geographical position determination CU
HANNA multi probe water quality analyzer Automatic portable water quality analyser DST-SERB
High resolution microscope High resolution magnified imaging UGC XIth Plan
High volume dust sampler Air quality monitoring CU
ICP-OES Elemental analysis UGC-UPE
Kjeldahl Apparatus Nitrogen analyzer CU
Metler digital weighing balance For high precision weighing UGC XIth Plan
 Milli Q Apparatus Ultrapure water purification facility UGC XIIth Plan
Muffle furnace High temperature thermal activation CU
PCR (General and Gradient), Electrophoresis and Gel imager For molecular biological applications CU and DST-SERB
Real Time PCR For investigating gene expression NTRF
Seed germinator Serves as environmental growth chamber CU
Ultrasonic bath For adsorption studies OPTM

[Trace element analysis facility]

Major activities:
  • Field visit to places of environmental interest
  • Industry visit and training for study related to pollution remediation and management
  • Collaborative research programmes with Universities and Institutes at national and international level
  • Community outreach programme for environmental awareness
  • Participation in Government / Institutions, Environmental initiatives
  • Regular student participation in national and international workshops and seminars
  • Post-graduation dissertation project work at several National level Institutions
  • Organization of seminars with eminent speakers of national and international repute.
  • Strengthening alumni networking and departmental placement support
  • Socio-cultural activities-observing Environment Day, Earth Day and cultural events at departmental and University level.

Additional information :

  • Need based provision for internship
  • Consultancy services are available
  • Extension programme as part of community outreach program are executed
  • Department has joined choice-based credit system from 2016
  • Previous years’ question papers are available from Departmental library
  • New syllabus will be uploaded soon, after the sanction from the competent authority


Campus : Taraknath Palit Siksha Prangan (Ballygange Campus)

Address for communication : Department of Environmental Science, University of Calcutta, 7th Floor, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata - 700019, West Bengal, India