Year of Establishment : 1914 (1886 in Presidency Campus)
History of the department : With the progress of time, the Department of Chemistry of the University of Calcutta has experienced a remarkable development and has grown into one of the topmost national teaching and research centers in Chemistry. As a pioneer of academic deliberation and research activity, the department has greatly contributed to produce talents who are leading the national and global scenario. It is well-known that this department started functioning since the foundation of the University College of Science, and the foundation stone was laid by the great visionary Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, the then Vice-Chancellor, on 27th March 1914. Prior to this, the post-graduate classes in Chemistry had been conducted at Presidency College. The University College of Science at 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata (now renamed as Rashbehari Siksha Prangan) undertook the program of teaching the subjects of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics in 1914. The newly-established University College of Science was aided generously by the great philanthropists and nationalists of that time, particularly Sir Rashbehari Ghosh, Sir Tarak Nath Palit and Kumar Guruprasad Singh of Khaira. This institute, in turn, took a vital role in the spreading of science education and research throughout the subcontinent. Teaching and research in Chemistry at our department was initiated by Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray, Profulla Chandra Mitter, Jnan Chandra Ghosh and Jnanendra Nath Mukherjee. Among other eminent personalities who joined the department later and enriched its scholarly activities were Jogendra Chandra Bardhan, Priyadaranjan Ray, Pulin Behari Sarkar, Bhupendra Nath Ghosh, Prafulla Kumar Bose, Jnanendra Nath Roy, (Mrs.) Asima Chatterjee, Sadhan Basu, etc.
Our department has a long tradition of carrying out high-quality research in several areas of Chemistry. Outstanding contributions have been made in the fields of Natural Product Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. In addition, emphasis is being given to several frontiers of chemistry like Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis, Synthetic Methodology, Selective Bond Activation, Drug Development from Natural Products, Green Chemistry, Surfactant Chemistry, Fabrication of Organic and Inorganic Materials, Organic Electronics, Photochemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Protein Engineering, Bio-Organic, Bio-Inorganic and Bio-Physical Chemistry, Crystal Engineering, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, etc. Collaborative research activities are also going on with intra-departmental and inter-departmental faculty members of this university, sister Universities and research institutes in India and abroad.
In recognition of the contributions made by the department towards research, the University Grants Commission selected it to operate a Special Assistance Program on Natural Products in 1972. Since 1987, this had been upgraded to a venture of Advanced Studies of Natural Products. An UNESCO-UNDP program operated in the Department for a number of years. A COSIST program (UGC) operated during the period 1995-1999 in the thrust areas of Photo-Physical Studies, Coordination Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry. In 2000, the Department started a DST-FIST program and had successfully completed the project; subsequently, a new DST-FIST project was sanctioned of about rupees two crore which was a major boost up for instrument facility in this Department. We have also received UPE UGC scheme for GC-MS instrument. Several theory groups of the department have now the state-of-the-art computational facilities. Internet facilities are available all over the Department and its upgradation to ultrafast optical fiber networking system is also completed. Recently, the department has been recognized as a UGC-Center for Advanced Studies for the fifth time [CAS(V)] in Chemistry with a grant of more than 3 crore rupees.
The Department is quite well-equipped with several sophisticated instruments for research. These include 300 MHz NMR (Bruker), single crystal XRD (Bruker), GC-MS (Perkin Elmer), FT-IR Spectrophotometer, Fluorescence Life-Time Measurement, Fluorimeter (Perkin Elmer), UV-vis Spectrophotometer (Hltachi), HPLC (Shimadzu), Polarimeter (Perkin Elmer), UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometers (Perkin Elmer), React IR (Mettler Toledo), DLS (Malvern), Dye Laser, Nd-YAG Laser, ESI-MS (Waters) and many others.
From the academic session 2007-2009, the Department has introduced a Semester System with a major modification in the M. Sc. curriculum and examination system. New courses like Modern Spectroscopic techniques, Nano-Chemistry, Advanced Synthetic strategies, Green Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism, Computational Chemistry, Statistical and Numerical methods, Bio-Inorganic, Bio-Organic, Bio-Physical and Bio-Analytical Chemistry have been introduced, along with the project works and seminar presentations. Our M. Sc. students are performing excellently well in national competitive examinations such as NET (UGC-CSIR) and GATE (IIT). Some are also qualifying the GRE regularly to join the Ph. D. programs abroad every year. Our department has also adopted the UGC norms for the Ph. D. registration of the Research Scholars by introducing a one semester course work. International symposiums were organized in 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2014 and one National Symposium has been organized in 2016. A number of books and a large number of scientific papers (> 100 per year) are published in the international journals of Nature Publishing Groups, American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, Wiley, Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Direct etc. each year.
Our faculty members are highly recognized for their contribution in academics. In recent years several members of our faculty have been rewarded by the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) and one of our faculty members has been rewarded by the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), DST, India.
Our department has taken appropriate initiative to commemorate the pioneering contributions made by Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray, who started Chemistry research in India. A museum was set up in 1997 in the historic room of the department in which he used to live and work.
In all its endeavor, the department strives to live up to the lofty ideals set up by its founders, and the eminent personalities who helped it thrive.
Special award/ recognition from UGC or related statutory body : UGC Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) for consecutive five times
Name | Designation | Section | Email/Phone number |
Prof. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay [Profile] |
Professor | Physical Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9831195624 |
Debasis Mukhopadhyay [Profile] |
Professor | Physical Chemistry | [email protected] 9831351332 |
Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay [Profile] |
Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9433019610 |
Prof. Asish Ranjan Das [Profile] |
Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9433120265 |
Prof. Sasanka Sekhar Mohanta [Profile] |
Professor | Inorganic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9330962779 |
Prof. Animesh Pramanik [Profile] |
Professor & HOD | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] 9830107470 |
Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti [Profile] |
Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9433379965 |
Prof. Debasis Das [Profile] |
Professor | Inorganic Chemistry | [email protected] 9830345023 |
Prof. Nikhil Guchhait [Profile] |
Professor | Physical Chemistry | [email protected] 8013468082 |
Prof. Susanta Sekhar Adhikari [Profile] |
Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9433352273 |
Prof. Pinaki Chaudhury [Profile] |
Professor | Physical Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9830480149 |
Dr. Swapan Chakrabarti [Profile] |
Associate Professor | Physical Chemistry | swapanchem@ 9830057562 |
Dr. Debabrata Mandal [Profile] |
Associate Professor | Analytical Chemistry | [email protected] 9732099347 |
Dr. Sanchita Goswami [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Inorganic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9433125290 |
Dr. Kamalika Sen [Profile] |
Assistant Professor |
Analytical Chemistry | [email protected] 9163295148 |
Dr. Tanushree Sanyal (Bala) [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Physical Chemistry | [email protected] 9903484354 |
Dr. Subhas Samanta [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9732739595 |
Dr. Kuntal Pal [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Inorganic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9647611764 |
Dr. Smritimoy Pramanik [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Analytical Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9836572051 |
Dr. Ramananda Maity [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Inorganic Chemistry | [email protected] 8967281946 |
Dr. Mijanur Rahaman Molla [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] [email protected] 9239018512 |
Dr. Srijit Biswas [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Organic Chemistry | [email protected] 9044370898 |
Programme | Level of study | Eligibility | Intake capacity |
M.Sc.(Chemistry) | Master degree | Graduate with Honours in Chemistry with minimum 55% of marks in Chemistry (decided by admission committee and that may vary from year to year). | 74 (Seventy four) |
Ph.D.(Science) | Doctoral degree | M.Sc. followed by qualification in RET(Research Eligibility Test), following UGC criteria. | Not Applicable |
Name | Research topic | Name of the supervisor | Date of registration |
Debanjana Biswal | Physical and Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Syamal Chakrabarti | 11.05.2015 |
Dr. Sanjib Giri | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Dr. Kisholoy Bhattacharya | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Dr. Oindrita Das | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Dr. Subrata Jana | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Dr. Rupam Sen | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Dr. Maharudra Chakraborty | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Soumava Ghosh | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | 11.01.2013 |
Prithwish Mahapatra | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Avijit das | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Monotosh Mondal | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Sayantan Ganguly | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Alokesh Hajari | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Tanmoy Kumar Ghosh | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Sabarni Dutta | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Souvik Maity | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Pampa Mukherjee | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh | |
Sharmistha Dhatt | Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Kamal Bhattacharyya | |
Swagata Halder | Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay | 18.06.2013 |
Zarrin Shahzadi | Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay | 27.05.2016 |
Dr. Mousumi Banerjee | Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay | |
Bhaswati Bhattacharyya | Organic Chemistry | Dr. Kaliprasanna Dhara | 16.03.2011 |
Arijit Kundu | Organic Chemistry | Dr. Kaliprasanna Dhara | 08.12.2014 |
Aniruddha Das | Organic Chemistry | Dr. Kaliprasanna Dhara | 08.04.2016 |
Prasun Mukherjee | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Asish Ranjan Das | 13.10.2014 |
Nazia Kausar | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Asish Ranjan Das | 14.10.2014 |
Moumita Saha | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Asish Ranjan Das | 16.02.2016 |
Dr. Dinesh Maity | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | |
Dr. Arpita Jana | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | |
Leena Mandal | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | 11.01.2013 |
Priyanka Chakraborty | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | 11.01.2013 |
Shuvankar Mandal | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | 31.03.2014 |
Shuvayan Roy | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | 13.02.2015 |
Sagar Ghosh | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | 25.05.2015 |
Nairita Hari | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Sasankasekhar Mohanta | 23.07.2015 |
Dr. Soumen Sarkar | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Animesh Pramanik | |
Kamalesh Debnath | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Animesh Pramanik | 21.02.013 |
Chandan Bodhak | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Animesh Pramanik | 30.12.2015 |
Sayan Muhkerjee | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Animesh Pramanik | |
Subhro Mandal | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Animesh Pramanik | |
Tania Kundu | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Animesh Pramanik | |
Dr. Santinath Sarkar | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Subasish Samai | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Tista Sengupta | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Uttam K. Das | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Tuluma Das | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Enakshi Dinda | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Ramprasad Ghosh | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Sanghamitra Atta | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Sudipta Ray | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Dripta De Joarder | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dr. Palash Dutta | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Nabyendu Pramaniki | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Dipanwita Roy | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Subhadeep Ghosh | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Radha Madhab Laha | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | 19.02.2015 |
Ramij Raja Mondal | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | 13.02.2015 |
Sudipto Debnath | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | 20.04.2016 |
Debasish Ghosh | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Rajendra Nath Mitra | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | 16.02.2016 |
Tanmoy Ghosh | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Rituparna Maiti | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Tania Saha | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Dilip Kumar Maiti | |
Rajib Sarkar | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | 05.04.2013 |
Piyali Sarkar | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | 18.07.2013 |
Animesh Mondal | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | 14.10.2014 |
Kajal De | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | 22.04.2015 |
Pampa maiti | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | |
Priya Mandal | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | |
Soumyadip Basu | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | |
Rajiv Karmakar | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Chhanda Mukhopadhyay | |
Priyanka Kundu | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | 10.03.2014 |
Suranjana Purkait | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | 13.02.2015 |
Ishani Majumder | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | 25.05.2015 |
Sanchari Dasgupta | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | 01.02.2016 |
Aratrika Chakraborty | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | 01.02.2016 |
Tanmoy Chakraborty | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | |
Arnab Mandal | Inorganic Chemistry | Prof. Debasis Das | |
Soumen Ghosh | Physical Chemistry | Prof. Nikhil Guchhait | 08.08.2013 |
Aniruddha Ganguly | Physical Chemistry | Prof. Nikhil Guchhait | 19.09.2013 |
Arghyadeep Bhattacharyya | Physical Chemistry | Prof. Nikhil Guchhait | |
Subhash Chandra Makhal | Physical Chemistry | Prof. Nikhil Guchhait | |
Riya sett | Physical Chemistry | Prof. Nikhil Guchhait | |
Swagata sen | Physical Chemistry | Prof. Nikhil Guchhait | |
Avijit Ghosh | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Susanta Sekhar Adhikari | 18.07.2013 |
Md. Yousuf | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Susanta Sekhar Adhikari | 09.09.2013 |
Subhajit Guria | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Susanta Sekhar Adhikari | |
Dr. Abhishek Pal | Organic Chemistry | Prof. Susanta Sekhar Adhikari | 10.01.2012 |
Pulak Naskar | Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Pinaki Chaudhury | |
Alok Kumar Maity | Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Pinaki Chaudhury | 21.02.2013 |
Rijaul Mirdha | Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Pinaki Chaudhury | |
Mintu Nandi | Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Pinaki Chaudhury | |
Sankar Ghorai | Theoretical Chemistry | Prof. Pinaki Chaudhury | |
Sayantanu Koley | Theoretical Chemistry | Dr. Swapan Chakrabarti | 01.12.2015 |
Lopa Paul | Theoretical Chemistry | Dr. Swapan Chakrabarti | 01.02.2016 |
Subhodip Chatterjee | Theoretical Chemistry | Dr. Swapan Chakrabarti | |
Sumanta Kumar Ghatak | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 14.01.2014 |
Arabinda Chakraborty | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 08.09.2014 |
Kangkana sarkar | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 22.09.2014 |
Sankar Prasad Paik | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 22.04.2013 |
Mita halder | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 22.12.2015 |
Ansari Zarina Mohd Yunus Nazma | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 06.04.2016 |
Partha Pratim Chakraborty | Analytical Chemistry | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 22.04.2013 |
Ritwik Modak | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | 24.05.2011 |
Senjuti Mandal | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | 05.04.2013 |
Yeasin Sikdar | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | 06.12.2013 |
Barnali Naskar | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | 03.01.2014 |
Sumit Kumar Mondal | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | |
Sutapa Sahu | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | |
Riya Bag | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | |
Subhasis Das | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Tanushree Sanyal (Bala) | 14.10.2014 |
Debasmita Sardar | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Tanushree Sanyal (Bala) | 16.06.2014 |
Jayeeta Maity | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Tanushree Sanyal (Bala) | |
Deborin Ghosh | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Debabrata Mandal | 21.02.2013 |
Giasuddin Ahamed | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Debabrata Mandal | 03.05.2012 |
Nabaruna Basu | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Debabrata Mandal | 27.05.2016 |
Madhushree Mal | Physical Chemistry | Dr. Debabrata Mandal | |
Jayanta Bag | Inorganic Chemistry | Dr. Kuntal Pal |
Project title | Funding agency | Principal investigator | Duration | Budget(/lac) |
Design, Synthesis .. | SERB-DST, India | Professor Susanta Sekhar Adhikari | 2013- Dec, 2016 | Rs. 48.00 |
C-S/C-N/C-O activated .. | CSIR, India | Professor Dilip Kumar Maiti | Jan,2016 - 2019 | Rs. 29.53 |
Controlled Synthesis.. | DST, India | Dr.Tanushree Sanyal(Bala) | 2012- 2016 | Rs 26.6 |
Radiation Induced .. | UGC-DAE-CSR, INDIA | Dr. Kamalika Sen | 2013-Dec,2016 | Rs 12.00 |
Developing Mn-Ca .. | DST, West Bengal | Dr. Sanchita Goswami | Feb,2016 -Feb,2019 | Rs. 9.68 |
Name of the equipment | Brief description | Funding agency |
Single Crystal X-Ray Defractometer | Cost = Rs. 1,20,35,344/= | DST - FIST |
Time-Resolved Spectrophotometer | Cost = Rs. 35,89,739/= | DST - FIST |
Lamda 25 U/V/Spectrometer …03Nos. | Cost = Rs. 7,95,805/= | DST – FIST |
Rotary Vacuum Evaporator – -03 Nos. | Cost = Rs. 7,22,732/= | DST - FIST |
NMR – 300 MHz | Cost = Rs. 74,99,942/= | CAS - III |
Gaschromatography | Cost = Rs. 12,25,137/= | COSIST |
Spectrophotometer HITACHI | Cost = Rs. 15,84,335/= | COSIST |
FTIR | Cost = Rs. 20,48,282/= | UGC – BSR |
TGA | Cost = Rs. 9,49,128/= | DST – FIST |
Electrochemical Work Station | Cost = Rs. 4,47,005/= | DST – FIST |
GC -MS | Cost = Rs. 48,76,959/= | UPE (S) |
ESI - MS | Cost = Rs. 1,89,74,559/= + clearing agents charge not known | DST - PURSE |
Campus : Rashbehari Siksha Prangan (Rajabazar Science College Campus)
Address for communication : Department of Chemistry, 92, A.P.C Road, Kolkata-700 009