Academic Department University Of Calcutta
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Year of Establishment : 1913

History of the department : Teaching in Botany began in the University of Calcutta in the year1913 under the headship of Dr. C. C. Calder, the then superintendent of Royal Botanical Garden. Prior to that in the year 1912, Sir Taraknath Palit donated a large part of his property for the foundation of University College of Science and Technology, presently named as ‘Tarak Nath Palit Shiksha Prangan’. That was the beginning of science teaching in Calcutta University, and then in 1913, Sir Rasbehari Ghosh donated a large sum of money for the creation of four chair professor posts, one each in Physics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry and Botany. Prof. S P Agharakar was appointed as the first Ghosh Professor in Botany. Established in 1913, the PG Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, has been completed its Glorious 100 years and this century old Department is recognized for excellence in teaching and research in major areas of Plant Sciences in general. The Department has received funds from UGC [under COSIST Programme in two phases- 1984, 1989] and DST [FIST Programme 2004, 2010(Level 1)] in addition to funds received by faculty members individually or in groups from various funding agencies in form of major research projects.

The Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Botany, owes its inception to the cytogenetics laboratory of the Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, since Professor A.K. Sharma (the then Sri A.K. Sharma) joined this University in 1948 as Assistant Lecturer after the departure of Professor P.N. Bhaduri to Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, under whom he had his initial training in chromosome study in this university. Since then, the emphasis of this laboratory was focused towards innovation of new methods for chromosome analysis, from any organ of the plant. Since inception till date, the Centre has been holding programmes of regular workshops, seminars and Colloquia on different aspects of emerging areas of Chromosome Research for the benefit of teachers and researchers alike.

Since inception in 1980, the identified thrust area had been on Cell and Chromosome research. In the Phase VI, the review committee had expanded the scope of the programme with the identified thrust area as “Plant genomics and Integrated Biology”. As opined by Professor AK Sharma, FNA, in the First Meeting of Advisory committee (2011) of the CAS Phase VI programme, with introduction of integrative biology, all the faculty members who will be interested in working in an integrated programme of research will also participate. Prof. Sharma hoped that “with the introduction of expanded thrust area, the tempo of research will gradually be expanded. The department has also received the approval of implementing CAS Phase VII program from April 2016.

The Department maintains a Botanical garden since inception, a treasure of plant wealth, conservatory of rare, endangered species, trees and shrubs which are witness of glorious era of the Botany Department, catering to the needs of young botanists of today, attended by skilled gardeners.

The Herbarium cum Museum in the Department is one of the oldest in the country and is being renovated under UGC-UPE programme.

Special award/ recognition from UGC or related statutory body: UGC CAS SAP PHASE VII (April 2016)


Faculty Members
Name Designation Area of specialisation Email / Phone number
Subir Bera
Professor Paleobotany & Palynology [email protected]
[email protected]
Krishnendu Acharya
Professor Molecular Mycology & Plant Pathology [email protected]
[email protected]
Binay Chaubey
Professor Microbiology [email protected]
Rita Kundu
Professor Cell Biology & Genetics [email protected]
Santanu Paul
Professor & HOD Cell Biology [email protected]
[email protected]
Debabrata Maity
Professor Taxonomy & Biosystematics [email protected]
Maumita Bandyopadhyay
Assistant Professor Plant Molecular Cytogenetics  and Biotechnology [email protected]
Surekha Kundu
Assistant Professor Molecular Mycology & Plant Pathology [email protected]
[email protected]
Sudipta Ray
Assistant Professor Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology [email protected]
Susmita Das
Assistant Professor Phytochemistry & Pharmacognosy [email protected]
Saurav Moktan
Assistant Professor Taxonomy & Biosystematics [email protected]
Soumitra Paul
Assistant Professor Plant Physiology & Biochemistry [email protected]
[email protected]

Courses :

[ New Syllabus (implemented from 2022), CO, PO ]
Programme Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
MSc in Botany Post Graduate Graduate with Honours. in Botany 55
PhD in Botany Doctoral Post Graduate in Botany/related subjects (Biochemistry/Microbiology/Genetics/Agriculture) 25


Research Scholars :
Name of Research Scholar Principal Investigator Fellowship
Sreya Roy Parbat Prof. Subir Bera UGC-NET JRF
Manjuree Karmakar Prof. Subir Bera SVMCM
Ranita Biswas Prof. Subir Bera SVMCM
Shreyashi Basak Prof. Subir Bera CSIR-NET SRF
Apurba Mohanti Prof. Subir Bera -
Dulal Chandra Patra Prof. Subir Bera -
Binod Bihari Sardar Prof. Subir Bera -
Iman Dey Prof. Ruma Pal UGC-NET SRF
Sumanta Garai Prof. Ruma Pal -
Gouri Basak Prof. Krishnendu Acharya CSIR-NET SRF
Rituparna Saha Prof. Krishnendu Acharya UGC-NET SRF
Mangal Chandra Biswas Prof. Krishnendu Acharya UGC-NET SRF
Alisha Thapa Prof. Krishnendu Acharya UGC-NET SRF
Juna Tamang Prof. Krishnendu Acharya -
Rimpa Sikder Prof. Krishnendu Acharya CSIR-NET SRF
Arghya Naskar Prof. Krishnendu Acharya DBT SRF
Jit Sarkar Prof. Krishnendu Acharya SVMCM
Sreetama Roy  Prof. Binay Chaubey -
Debdutta Kar Prof. Binay Chaubey -
Debosmita Sanyal Prof. Binay Chaubey -
Surupa Paul Prof. Rita Kundu -
Nilanjana Ghosh Prof. Rita Kundu -
Swarnali Dey Prof. Rita Kundu CSIR SPM
Preeti Verma Prof. Rita Kundu UGC-NET SRF
Alivia Paul Prof. Rita Kundu -
Ribhu Ray Prof. Santanu Paul UGC-NET SRF
Debarupa Hajra Prof. Santanu Paul UGC-NET SRF
Anirban Chouni Prof. Santanu Paul ICMR SRF
Ishita Bhattacharya Prof. Santanu Paul UGC-NET JRF
Nibedita Pyne Prof. Santanu Paul CSIR-NET SRF
Saparja Saha Prof. Santanu Paul CSIR-NET SRF
Anwesha Mondal Prof. Santanu Paul UGC-NET JRF
Suvanwita Lahiri Dr. Surekha Kundu SVMCM
Arpan Das Dr. Surekha Kundu UGC-NET SRF
Camelia Deb Dr. Surekha Kundu UGC-NET SRF
Manisha Thakur Dr. Surekha Kundu CSIR-NET JRF
Moumita Chatterjee Dr. Surekha Kundu UGC-NET JRF
Saikat Sahoo Dr. Maumita Bandyopadhyay -
Sovan Mishra Dr. Maumita Bandyopadhyay -
Sejuty Mondal Soumen Dey Dr. Maumita Bandyopadhyay  DST-INSPIRE
Samir Makhal Dr. Maumita Bandyopadhyay UGC NFSC SRF
Suparna Saha Dr. Debabrata Maity UGC-NET JRF
Sourav Naskar Dr. Debabrata Maity UGC NET SRF
Arup Kumar Halder Dr. Debabrata Maity Project JRF (SERB)
Tanushree Agarwal Dr. Sudipta Ray CSIR RA
Tanmoy Halder Dr. Sudipta Ray CSIR RA
Tundra Samanta Dr. Sudipta Ray UGC-NET SRF
Kajal Singh Dr. Sudipta Ray UGC-NET JRF
Preshina Rai Dr. Saurav Moktan UGC-NET SRF
Darshana Tolangay Dr. Saurav Moktan CSIR-NET SRF
Debasruti Boral Dr. Saurav Moktan URF
Sinjini Mondal Dr. Saurav Moktan UGC-NET SRF
Srirupa Sarkar Dr. Susmita Das SVMCM
Arpita Paul Dr. Susmita Das UGC-NET SRF
Anindita Hazra Dr. Susmita Das JCBF JRF
Jhelam Chatterjee Dr. Susmita Das -
Maumita Biswas Dr. Susmita Das -
Srimati Ari Dr. Susmita Das -
Shromona Sanyal Dr. Susmita Das -
Chandan Ray Dr. Soumitra Paul UGC-NET SRF
Ankita Sarkar Dr. Soumitra Paul -
Yadav Debgupta Dr. Soumitra Paul Project Associate 1
Ranjana Shee Dr. Soumitra Paul URF
Dibyendu Shee Dr. Soumitra Paul SVMCM
Tanushree Saha Dr. Soumitra Paul CSIR-NET JRF
Projects :
Project title Funding agency Principal investigator Duration Budget
Investigation on iron ore mine site restoration and species performance in spoils dumps slope stabilization with Vetiver System Technology [no.38 (1367)/13/EMRII dt 1.10.2013]. CSIR-EMR Prof. Anita Mukherjee 2014-2017 29 lacs
Identification cloning and characterization of novel gene(s) and protein(s) involved in homologous recombination in moss Physcomitrella patens DBT-GOI Dr. Sudipta Ray 3years 38,52,500
Identification, cloning and characterization of glycine rich proline rich protein from Sorghum bicolor: Potentiality as an antimicrobial protein CSIR Dr. Sudipta Ray 3years 24 lakhs approx
Defence reponse in rice against blast disease DBT-GOI Dr. Surekha Kundu 3 years  
Network Programme for Enrichment and Update  of Plant Chromosome Database for Spermatophytes and Archegoniates DBT-GOI Prof. Sumita Jha (PI)
Dr. M. Bandyopadhyay (Co-I), Dr. S. Ray (Co-I)
3 years 33.50 lakhs
Evaluation of cytogenetic diversity in some genera of Cucurbitaceae and characterization of sex linked genes in Coccinia through SCAR marker approach DBT-GOI Prof. Sumita Jha (PI)
jointly with SOU University, Bhubaneshwar
3 years 25 lacs
Establishment of Portal for Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN): BRIC-III:Plant Chromosome Information Centre, CAS, Dept.of Botany, CU)    DBT-GOI Prof. Sumita Jha jointly with Prof. A. Mukherjee, Prof.S.Mukhopadhyay, Dr.M.Bandyopadhyaya and Dr.S.Ray(CoI) 3 years 40.56 lakhs
Calibration of phytolith indices along the modern vegetation gradient of Eastern Himalaya, India and its application in late Quaternary environment analysis. DST-SERB, New Delhi (2012-2015) Prof. Subir Bera 19.07.2012-ongoing Rs 36.41 lakhs
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Siwalik succession of eastern Himalaya and its bearing on the evolution of the Neogene foreland basin in the eastern Himalaya ISI, Kolkata Prof. Subir Bera April 2015- ongoing  
Screening for  anti-leukemic activity of some wild edible mushrooms of India and unraveling the molecular mechanism involved in apoptosis UGC, New Delhi Dr. Santanu Paul 2013-2017 Rs. 14,85,800
Study of the anti-leukemic and anti-oxidant potential of some wild edible mushrooms of West Bengal: leading to chemical identification of the lead molecules DST, West Bengal Dr. Santanu Paul 2014-2017 Rs. 35,64,000
Production of microalgal biomass and their application in aquaculture WBSCST Prof. Ruma Pal 2013-2016 Rs. 30,00,000
Mapping Sunderbans Algae for CO2 sequestrations with special emphasis on Brakish water wetlands All India network program  Program  DST-New Delhi Prof. Ruma Pal 2013-2016 Rs.50,00,000
Evaluating the Cytotoxic properties of some major algae from Sundarban mangrove     ecosystem on selected cell line DST, West Bengal Prof. Rita Kundu 2013-2016 15.63 lakhs
Study on Altitude Based Multielemental Profiling of Eastern Himalayan Bryophytes For Eco-Restoration Purpose UGC-Dept. of Atomic Energy-CSR Prof. M. Poddar Sarkar 2013-2016 15 Lakhs approx.
Study on Behaviour and Chemistry Related to Pheromone of Indian Porcupine and Leopard Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of West Bengal Prof. M. Poddar Sarkar 2015-2018 Rs. 19,66,264
Translational Research on Transgenic Rice (Phase II) DBT , Govt. of India
Dr. Karabi Datta 2015-2020 Rs. 428.03 lakhs
Biofortification in selected crops for nutritional security ICAR,All India Coordinated Project
Dr. Karabi Datta 2014-17 Rs. 40.18 lakhs for 2014-2016
Incentivizing Research in Agriculture ICAR, All India Coordinated Project (PI) Dr. Karabi Datta 2014-2017 Rs. 168.65 lakhs for 2014-2016
Network Project on Transgenics in crops (NPTC) ICAR, All India Coordinated Project (PI) Dr. Karabi Datta 2014-2017 Rs. 18.00 lakhs for 2014-2016
Cytological ----- conservation UGC major Project Prof. Sandip Mukhopadhyay 2013-2016 Rs. 14.00 lakhs
Screening of arsenic tolerant and sensitive rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown in the arsenic contaminated soil of West Bengal on the basis of tolerance, growth and metabolism UGC, New Delhi Prof. Asok Kumar Biswas 2016-2019 14.2 lacs
Development of salt tolerant legume cultivars adapting hardening technology and their evaluation for cultivation in saline prone soils of West Bengal Department of Science and Technology, Govt.of West Bengal Prof. Asok Kumar Biswas 2016-2019 17.9 lacs
Thrust areas in teaching and research of the academic department / centre :
  • Plant Genomics, Chromosomal explorations  and Plant Biotechnology
  • Genotoxicity and Stress Biology
  • Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Bioprospecting 
  • Integrative Biology–Genomics and Proteomics and Integrative plant biology

Teaching support

  • E- learning
  • Open educational  resources.

Research support :

Name of the equipment Funding agency
Ultracentrifuge DST-PURSE
Cold Centrifuge UGC CAS
Gradient PCR UGC
-80ºC refrigerator UGC-CAS
Gel Documentation unit UGC
Microplate reader UGC
Fluorescence Microscope DST FIST
Major activities:

Centenary Celebaration of the Department of Botany was commemorated with a year-long schedule of workshops in 2013-2014.

  • Workshop on B.Sc. Practical, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held on 24th & 25th October, 2013, (Conveners- Prof. A.K. Biswas and Prof. Anita Mukherjee).
  • Workshop on Cryptogamic Botany- from Curriculum to Application, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held during 19th- 26th November, 2013,  (Conveners- Prof. R. Pal, Prof. K. Acharya and Prof. S. Bera).
  • Workshop on “Chromatography- the Catapult for Unraveling the Facts of Nature”, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held on 26th & 27th December, 2013 (Conveners- Prof.. M. Poddar Sarkar & Dr. M. Bandyopadhyay).
  • Workshop on  Hands on Training on Palaeobotanical and Palynological Techniques, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held during 21st -28th April, 2014, (Conveners- Prof. S. Bera & Dr. A.D’ Rozario).
  • Workshop on Basic Techniques on Molecular Biology, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held during 14th- 21st May, 2014, (Conveners- Dr. R.Kundu, Dr. M. Bandyopadhyay, Dr. S. Ray and Dr. S. Kundu).
  • Workshop on Taxonomy and Biosystematics of Vascular Plants, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held during 14th- 21st July, 2014, (Conveners- Prof. N.D. Paria and Dr. D. Maity).
  • International Symposium on “Trends in Plant Science Research”, Centenary Celebration, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, held during 15th-16th February 2014, (Conveners: Prof. Anita Mukherjee and Prof. Sandip Mukhopadhyay).

Additional information :


Campus : Tarak Nath Palit Trust Prangan (Ballygange Campus)

Address for communication : Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata - 700019, West Bengal, India